2015年09月18日  国際交流 イベント・学会


2016年6月22日~24日にチェンマイ大学看護学部と本学医学部他の大学が共催で国際シンポジウムOptimizing Healthcare Quality: Teamwork in Education, Research, and Practiceをチェンマイにおいて開催することになりました。

Optimizing Healthcare Quality Official Site
Welcome Message from our Dean as a Co-Sponsor


Optimizing Healthcare Quality

International Symposium "Optimizing Healthcare Quality: Teamwork in Education, Research, and Practice"

This discussion will be held in Chiang Mai, Thailand from June 22nd - June 24th, 2016. Kagawa University cosponsors this event in hopes of providing a rewarding experience for our students and staff. We strongly encourage attendance of the students and staff from the School of Nursing, the School of Medicine and the University Hospital.
